Your Church

Christian's caritas
Holy life

Our lone Creed

Catholic but not rman

Ten Stout hearted men

Unity under the Lord's care


The teaching of Worldwide Christians is two thousand years old and absolutely based on the teaching of the Fathers of the firsts centuries' Church: Polycarp, Ireneus, Justin, Origen, Clement of Roma etc...

All these presbyters have paid their faithfulness to the Lord with their blood, and proved their honesty.

Theirs writings are still available today and you will enjoy reading them.

The goal of WORLDWIDE CHRISTIANS is to promote Christian values enhancement on an international level in order to support the diffusion of the Christian spirit of the first century and to propagate it by all legal means. As such, we provide spiritual support, public and private meetings, conferences, seminars, articles, reports, radio or televised broadcasts, organization of campaigns and many other actions...

Our mission contributes to the spread of the Gospel throughout the world.

All ‘WORLDWIDE CHRISTIANS’ head-quater personnel are strictly voluntary. There are no paid worker employed by the organisation.
The association’s president has taken a vow of poverty, and the presbyters in charge of the Office as so the Countries Managers are all knowned for their probity as religious presbyters or ministers.
All association’s actions are absolutely voluntary and free !
